Management of personal finance is an essential task that every student needs to cope with college life. There is a need for every college student to have suitable ways of keeping his or her expenses under control. This enables the students to set their living standard that matches their financial ability. To ensure that students achieve this vital goal, they are encouraged to acquire personal finance software. This article aims at providing valuable information on the basic features of these software products. Personal finance software is an essential tool that assists the user to effectively manage income and expenses. It is common that most students may not have the stable source of income. Some of them entirely depend on the federal funds and assistance from parents and guardians. However, most of them have adopted some income generating activities that suit their lifestyle. These include online jobs that are designed for them among others. Finance software enables them to manage and control their expenses against the ever scarce finances. As a result, college life is made more bearable in the midst of unfriendly economic conditions. There are several software programs that are ideal for students' financial management. They are developed and designed with their lifestyle in mind. The choice of the software depends with the taste of an individual student. These products can also be ideal for other commercial entrepreneurs though students can learn a lot from them. Each has different features but they all aim at assisting the user in effective financial management. This is a source of relief to most of the students who cannot manage their personal finances for themselves. Most of the personal finance software applications have distinctive features that enable the students to use utilize them easily. They are also supplied with short tutorials that give guidelines to students on how to apply the software in the best way possible. This helps the college students to effectively economize the available finances. This is done by developing suitable personal budget that can be met by the available finances without straining. By doing this, students are able to adopt a realistic lifestyle and achieve both realistic academic and financial goals. There are several merits that come along with the use of software in personal finances. These include easy balance of personal budget, efficient repayment of students' loan, prompt payment of college fees and managing personal vacations among others. This can easily be achieved when the suitable software is acquired. It should have the user-friendly interface which has step by step processes. This kind of software is suitable for beginners and advanced users. It should also be cost effective to be accessible to all students. The introduction of personal finance software for college students has achieved tremendous results. College life to most of the students has become more enjoyable. Financial planning and expenditure control has been made easier. This is a great milestone for students especially during harsh economic times. Whatever your financial lifestyle needs are, downloading the free 30 day trial of Home Accountz for Mac and Windows will help you budget properly and plan for your future.